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Welcome to TQR Search & Selection. This site is designed to provide you with an overview of the Company and how we operate, more importantly it could be the catalyst that enables you to meet your goal.
We have received a lot of positive feedback from candidates and employers who value the enthusiastic yet focussed approach we are able to bring to recruitment and career evaluation. We will not duck the tough issues, and challenge you to address the job search process with the most open minded attitude possible.
Latest News
EU rejects Hammond’s bid to include financial services in trade deal
Posted Date: 08/03/2018
The Chancellor said including financial services in the deal was i...[more] https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/eu-phillip-hammond-brexit-trade-deal-financial-services-city-london-talks-a8246341.html
Pension pot lifetime allowance to be reduced
Posted Date: 24/03/2015
Pension pot lifetime allowance to be reduced from £1.25million to £1million...[more] http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-3000565/BUDGET-2015-BRIEF-key-points-George-Osborne-speech-glance.html
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